In typical fashion, it has taken me an embarrassingly long time to get round to uploading this entry, but it's kinda important. As you my have noticed, the site is no longer hosted at, but if you head to the domain today then you'd be confused to find some kind of spanish gambling scam. What's especially predatory about this is that the site is a near 1-for-1 clone of a previously archived version of my page, with the main text editted - very clearly with AI. "The name "Crystepsi" likely combines elements of creativity, crystal-clear vision, and a personal touch. Over time, the platform has become a hub for showcasing random thoughts, interests, and works, ranging from art to random musings. Despite lacking a fixed agenda, the website captures the essence of a personal journey, filled with growth and discovery. The creator's message — "we ball" — reflects this attitude, indicating that the journey itself is more important than any final destination." choke on a dick lmfao I contacted namescheap about the issue the day after I found out about it - which for context, was when my boyfriend IMed me about it during a night out. I assure you, the whole gang 100% gave a shit when I ranted about it every hour. If I properly recall, my initial takeaway (after the obvious anger) was something akin to wow, my sites big enough for this now? Obviously this was misguided, this attack was probably done by searching the net for recently expired domains and snatching them up, nothing special - I have some doubts that there's a team of bad actors out there who are fans of the site. I tried a whois lookup on the site, but unfortunately they're masking their company details, so nothing could be found ):