I've confined with various people throughout the years on my personal dilema with online identity, which I took the liberty of calling online d.i.d, but I don't think they really got what I was trying to say - to no fault of their own, I'm just really bad at explaining things. My goal with this page is to try and rationalise and understand for myself my issues with how I present myself on the net. I'll start with an easy one: I don't like how easy it would be for somebody who knows me irl to find this website, yet my dumbass decides to set my username to the same thing on each site? Recently I've been going through all of my social media accounts and changing the names on all of them to something completely unrelated. This has helped, since now I know that if somebody I work with asks for my Instagram they won't be able to find my absolute yapfest of a website. But now I've hit the issue of: assuming they know me as crystepsi, what if I want them to find the rest of my online stuffs? I think my friend put it best when he said that we are from the generation that grew up watching youtubers who had a set username on everything, a perfectly curated and tracable digital footprint, but is this really the way to go? If you've read this as if it were gospel, do I really need you seeing my instagram uploads? No, no I do not. This is why I've promptly taken the "stalk me" tab off of my homepage, because